Arrival & Dismissal
Student Arrival
Upon arrival students can enter the building and go to breakfast or wait on their respective grade level patio.

Student Drop-off
Please do not bring your student to school before 8:10 am. Student drop-off for all CMS students is located along the designated areas off College Ave (in front of the school), as well as, Aspen DR and 15th ST Aspen DR and 15th ST.
Traffic is heavy at drop-off, so we are asking that all students use the crosswalks when crossing the street and that parents refrain from dropping or picking up students on the street while traffic is flowing.
Bus Riders
Students will exit the bus and go into the building for breakfast.
Late Arrivals
Please ring the doorbell at the front entrance of the building.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am - 8:30 am in the cafeteria.
Dismissal Procedures
Students will use designated exits in an effort to decrease student traffic.
Student Pick-up
Release times are Mon–Thu at 3:45 pm and Friday at 2:45 pm. Student pick-up for all CMS students is located along the designated areas off College Ave (in front of the school), as well as, Aspen DR and 15th ST Aspen DR and 15th ST.
Traffic is heavy at pick-up, so we are asking that all students use the crosswalks when crossing the street and that parents refrain from dropping or picking up students on the street while traffic is flowing.
Bus Riders
Students will be walked to their bus. In the event of inclement weather, students will wait in the building until the bus arrives.
Early Sign-Out
If you need to sign your student out early, call the front office (575-812-5900) before arriving at the building. Once you arrive, ring the doorbell, and a staff member will check your ID before releasing the student. If the ID holder is NOT on the contact list, the student will NOT be released. Please ensure that contact and emergency information has been updated on PowerSchool.