#BeHereAlamo Promoting healthy hygiene habits promotes good attendance. 🧼πŸͺ₯ #BeHereNM #Allin4OurKids
4 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
❀️ Valentine's Day deliveries to Alamogordo Public Schools Please be aware that due to the high volume of Valentine's Day deliveries to our local schools, delivered gifts will be kept at the front office at each school site and students will be notified for pickup at the end of the day. ❀️ πŸ‘‰Please don't forget that Valentine's Day lands on our early dismissal Friday this year.
4 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Valentine's Day Deliveries to Schools
Share kindness in the community by Chalking Your Walk! πŸ’“πŸ–οΈ Chalk a positive message or draw something fun to make someone smile on February 14th! Share your photos in the comments section below, use the hashtag #AlamogordoKindnessChallenge, or post them on the event page. πŸ”—https://www.facebook.com/share/1BhxgemBFH/ On this day, we'll fill our sidewalks, driveways, and community spaces with encouraging messages to spread joy and inspiration!πŸ’“πŸ–οΈ Learn more: https://www.alamogordoschools.org/page/kindness-month #Allin4OurKids #KidnessMonth #BeKind
4 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Chalk Your Walk Graphic
Our fantastic APS Transportation Department will celebrate #BeHereDay with a coloring contest for all bus riders! 🚌 All students who ride the bus on February 12th will have the opportunity to take a coloring page home. Completed coloring pages need to be returned to the student's bus driver by the end of the day on Tuesday, February 18th. A small prize will be given to the student with the winning coloring page for each bus. πŸšŒπŸŽ’πŸ–οΈ #BeHereAlamo #BeHereNM
5 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
BeHereDay Coloring Contest
#BeHereDay is tomorrow!πŸŽ’ We’re aiming for 100% attendance districtwide as part of our #BeHereAlamo #AttendanceMatters campaign! 🎯 It's all about reminding our students and families just how important it is to be at school EVERY DAY! While we always aim for strong attendance, Be Here Day is an opportunity to remind everyone why being present matters! πŸŽ’πŸŒŸ Our school will have activities/incentives to encourage students to prioritize attendance. Check out the comments section below to view the info flyer. Let’s make Be Here Day a huge success with 100% attendance tomorrow, February 12th! πŸ’ͺ For tips and resources on how to keep attendance strong, check out: πŸ”—https://www.alamogordoschools.org/page/attendance #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids #BeHereAlamo
5 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Be Here Day
πŸͺOur amazing APS Student Nutrition team is celebrating #BeHereDay with a sweet treat for everyone! #BeHere on February 12th to show how important it is to be in school every day. πŸ“šπŸ’ͺ Student Nutrition will treat students to a freshly baked cookie at lunch for #BeHereDay! πŸͺ✨ Let’s make this the BEST attendance day yet! πŸ™Œ #BeHereDay #EveryDayMatters #BeHereAlamo
5 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
BeHereDay cookie for all students
πŸ’“This week, we celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Week. We hope that you continue taking the time to participate in Random Acts of Kindness. Remember that part of kindness is showing appreciation to those who help you. Appreciation is when you are thankful for what someone else has done for you. πŸ’“ Do you have a friend that you can always depend on? Has one of your teachers taken the extra time to help you learn something new? Try to find the time today to say thank you to the people who mean the most to you. Remember: a simple β€œthank you” can go a long way! πŸ’ 🩷 Today's Challenge: When you see your school’s custodians, thank them for keeping the school & grounds clean! β€’ Flo Kindness Tour: La Luz Elementary 🩷 February 11 (Tuesday) β€’ Challenge: β€œThank your school office staff!” β€’ Flo Kindness Tour: Buena Vista Elementary 🩷 February 12 (Wednesday) β€’ Challenge: β€œThank your cafeteria workers for preparing your hot meals every day! And, don’t forget your bus driver! Make sure you thank them for getting you to school safely.” β€’ Flo’s Kindness Tour: Desert Star Elementary 🩷 February 13 (Thursday) β€’ Challenge: β€œThank your school counselors, nurse & health assistants for helping you with your mental and physical wellness!” β€’ Flo Kindness Tour: Chaparral Middle School 🩷 February 14 (Friday) β€’ Challenge: β€œThank your principal and teachers for helping you move forward in the school year!” β€’ Flo Kindness Tour: North Elementary #Allin4OurKids #KindnessMonth #KindnessWeek #BeKind
6 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Say something kind graphic
πŸ“’ TODAY, TODAY, TODAY!!! Please join us this evening, February 10th, at 1200 N. Florida Ave, Bldg C Gym, from 5 to 6:30 pm, or tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11th, on HAFB at Club Holloman Bldg 761 from 3:30 to 5 pm, to learn more about the potential new science curriculums. Your opinion matters! Have questions? Call Debra Rottland at 575-812-6025. Learn more in the flyer below or click the following link to view the PDF flyer. https://5il.co/35hx2 #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
6 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Science Curriculum Adoption Preview
😷 We know that regular school attendance is essential for student success, which is why we continue to emphasize the importance of showing up every day through our Be Here Alamo initiative. However, as flu season is upon us, we also want to make it clear that student health and well-being come firstβ€”we do not want students to attend school if they are sick. πŸ’‰πŸ©Ί πŸ“§ This afternoon, an important email was sent to all parents/guardians with more details about this topic. Please check your inbox for this important information. For more on our flu protocols, you can view the PDFs on our website: https://www.alamogordoschools.org/documents/departments/health-services/flu-season/757153+ Together, we can keep our school community healthy this flu season! πŸ’ͺ #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
7 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Flu Season
πŸ“’πŸ“’ Alamogordo Public Schools has hired JG Consulting to help with the Superintendent search, and we are seeking your insight. Your feedback on the qualities and characteristics you would like to see in the next Superintendent of Alamogordo Public Schools is incredibly valuable. Here are a few ways you can share your input. βœοΈπŸ’» βœ… Attend the Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, 2/18, at 6:00 pm in the APS Board Room at 1211 Hawaii Ave. βœ… Complete the short Survey: https://www.alamogordoschools.org/page/superintendent-search For more information, please read the "APS Superintendent Search" News article on the Alamogordo Public Schools website: https://www.alamogordoschools.org/ Or visit: https://www.alamogordoschools.org/page/superintendent-search #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids #SuperintendentSearch
8 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Superintendent Search
Reminder: You are invited! πŸ’Œ Please join us on Monday, February 10th at 1200 N. Florida Ave, Bldg C Gym from 5 to 6:30 pm, or Tuesday, February 11th on HAFB at Club Holloman Bldg 761 from 3:30 to 5 pm, to learn more about the potential new science curriculums. Your opinion matters! Have questions? Call Debra Rottland at 575-812-6025. Learn more in the flyer below or click the following link to view the PDF flyer. https://5il.co/35hx2 #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
10 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Science Curriculum Adoption Preview
πŸŽ‰ Mark your calendars! We’re thrilled to announce Be Here Day on Wednesday, February 12thβ€”a special districtwide initiative to celebrate and support great attendance! πŸŽ‰ We’re aiming for 100% attendance districtwide as part of our #BeHereAlamo #AttendanceMatters campaign! 🎯 It's all about reminding our students and families just how important it is to be at school EVERY DAY! Did you know? Missing just two days a monthβ€” even if excusedβ€” can really add up and impact a student's progress.😯 While we always aim for strong attendance, Be Here Day is an opportunity to remind everyone why being present matters! πŸŽ’πŸŒŸ Let’s make Be Here Day a huge success with 100% attendance on February 12th! πŸ’ͺ For tips and resources on how to keep attendance strong, check out: πŸ”—https://www.alamogordoschools.org/page/attendance #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids #BeHereAlamo
10 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Be Here Day
#BeHereAlamo When students are physically and emotionally safe, they are more likely to attend school on a regular basis. πŸŽ’πŸ’ž #BeHereNM
11 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
πŸ“’ A reminder that school will be in session tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 6, and Friday, Feb 7, for all K-12 students. There are no parent-teacher conferences for K-12, and students are expected to attend classes as usual. Pre-K students will not have school on these days due to scheduled parent-teacher conferences. πŸŽ’ #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
11 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Reminder This is a reminder that school will be in session this Thursday and Friday for all K-12 students. There are no parent-teacher conferences for K-12, and students are expected to attend classes as usual.  Pre-K students will not have school on these days due to scheduled parent-teacher conferences.
Reminder! 😁 Don't forget to stop by the Riner Steinhoff Soccer Complex today (Feb 5) at 2:30 p.m. for the Roadrunner Mobile Food Pantry! 🍊πŸ₯ž See you then! #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
11 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Roadrunner Mobile Food Pantry
πŸ“’πŸ“’ Important information! Out-of-zone transfer applications are now open. You can find more information and links to the forms on our website by accessing the link below: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://www.alamogordoschools.org/page/out-of-zone-transfer-application πŸ“£πŸ“£Please note that the out-of-zone application must be filled out annually. ✨✨ If you have questions about out-of-zone requests, eligibility, or school zones, please contact Alamogordo Public Schools through Let's Talk at 575-812-8573. #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
12 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Out-of-Zone Applications Now Open
During the month of February, we will be celebrating #KindnessMonth. 😍 We hope that you take the time to participate in #RandomActsofKindness. There are three simple steps to performing Random Acts of Kindness. Find out what another person needs; think about how you would feel if you had that need; and finally, offer your help! As you go throughout the day, remember to show empathy. Kindness and empathy are closely related: kindness is simply empathy in action. When we understand how someone feels and then do something about it, we are showing kindness. Remember, people will never forget how you made them feel. 🫢 🩷February 3 (Monday) β€’ Challenge: β€œMix it up! Sit with someone at lunch who you wouldn’t usually sit with.” β€’ Flo Kindness Tour: Sierra Elementary 🩷February 4 (Tuesday) β€’ Challenge: β€œLet someone go ahead of you in a line today.” β€’ Challenge: High-five people in your class or someone in the hallway! 🩷February 5 (Wednesday) β€’ Challenge: β€œWish the first person you see an amazing day!” β€’ Flo’s Kindness Tour: Roadrunner Food Bank @ Reiner Steinhoff Soccer Complex 🩷February 6 (Thursday) β€’ Challenge: High-five people in your class or someone in the hallway! 🩷February 7 (Friday) β€’ Challenge: Offer to help someone without being asked. #Allin4OurKids #hereforthekids
13 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Do something kind graphic of a rock with words on it
❀️Our school district is proud to say that we love all of our students! In our continuing effort to create a culture of kindness in all of our schools, during February, the month of love and friendship, Kindness Month, and National Random Acts of Kindness Week, we are issuing a Kindness Challenge to all our students, staff, and community! This challenge is dedicated to building on our culture of kindness and compassion and increasing student, family, and community engagement. πŸ₯° The purpose of this month-long event is to foster an environment that values the importance of being kind all year long. Studies have shown that promoting kindness among youth promotes self-confidence, positivity, and increased happiness. 🫢 To help our students practice kindness and act on their compassion, they will receive a list of Kindness Conversation Starters. We encourage all students, staff, and families to complete and practice as many acts of kindness as possible at school, at home, and in our community. To help our students practice kindness and act on their compassion, they will receive a list of Kindness Conversation Starters. We encourage all students, staff, and families to complete and practice as many acts of kindness as possible at school, at home, and in our community. We look forward to an exciting month and, most importantly, your family’s participation in The #KindnessChallenge. ❀️ ❀️Let the challenge begin!
14 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
We love our students at APS graphic
#BeHereAlamo All students deserve a chance to succeed in school. #BeHereNM
18 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Be Here Alamo
Got questions? We have answers. πŸ“²πŸ’» We want to remind you about Let's Talk! πŸ“± Let’s Talk!, is an online customer service solution that makes it easy for you to communicate with Alamogordo Public Schools. Find answers to FAQs 24/7, send feedback, or speak/text/chat with an APS staff member during regular business hours at 575-812-8573. πŸ’»https://www.alamogordoschools.org/o/aps/page/contact #Allin4OurKids #HerefortheKids
19 days ago, Alamogordo Public Schools
Let's Talk